by Ben Godwin | Dec 19, 2024
Adrian Rodgers wrote, “Some years ago [1969], the United States sent a capsule [the Apollo 11] to the moon, and for the first time a man—Neil Armstrong—walked on the moon. The President at that time [Richard Nixon] said, ‘The planting of human feet upon the moon is...
by Ben Godwin | Oct 15, 2024
Daniel was uprooted from Israel and taken to Babylon as a teenage POW. He may have been a descendant of King Hezekiah, thus a Prince of Judah (2 Kgs. 20:17-18). Daniel was probably a eunuch (Dan. 1:3-7) and so he never mentioned a wife or children. His name means “God...
by Ben Godwin | Sep 17, 2024
For many Christians serving God is a duty when it should be a delight. Billy Sunday said, “If you have no joy, there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.” Indeed, Christians should be the happiest people on the planet. A happy Christian is a strong Christian...
by Ben Godwin | Aug 21, 2024
A wise man wrote, “A ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what a ship is built for.” Ships aren’t made to stay in the safe, shallow waters of the harbor; they’re made to sail the open sea. Faith involves risk. Faith is an action word. Faith is not just what we...
by Ben Godwin | Apr 29, 2024
Jesus did not die as a helpless victim; He died as a heroic victor! One of my favorite scenes in the Gospels is when Pilate stood nose to nose with Jesus and proudly presumed, “Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?” ButJesus...
by Ben Godwin | Apr 2, 2024
Don’t follow the crowd. Remember, the crowd chose Barabbas over Jesus! They picked him not because he was a good guy or they liked him but because they hated the truth. We’re not called to follow the crowd or even the crowd who call themselves “Christians;” we’re...