(205) 686-9210 info@goodspringsfgc.org

"Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14 NIV

We support the following Missionaries and Ministries on an ongoing basis:

Gary and Peggy Williams are missionaries to Mexico and Honduras. For many years they lived and ministered in Mexico and won many souls to Christ. They have helped to build churches and provide basic necessities to the poor people in their village.

They visit our church every year. They expanded their ministry into Honduras, where they built a ministry compound to house mission teams to take food and the Gospel out into the surrounding villages. Currently, they are living in Aberdeen, Mississippi, and do many domestic outreach missions projects.

Brother Chris Okumu is a tremendous minister in Kenya. He was a muslim who converted to Christianity. His own father put a contract out on his life and disowned him.
Then God called him to preach. He pastors a church and runs a school that feeds, clothes and educates over 700 children in the slums of Soweta, Kenya. He has spoken in our church several times.

Brother Jack Kinley was blinded in a tank explosion in the military as a young man. He is now in his nineties and does mission work among the visually impaired and the blind. He heads Vision Tape Ministry, which distributes Gospel materials in braille and on cassette tape to the blind and visually impaired in several countries. Bro. Kinley, until recently, also pastored a church in Phenix City, Alabama.

Michael Adewunmi Pictured here with his wife and children, Bro. Michael pastors Christ Love Gospel Mission in Lagos, Nigeria and
oversees other churches and ministries.

Kenny & Hirra Dunn – mission trips to Central and South America, the Dominican Republic, Ireland, Russia, and the Philippines. Kennydunn.org

Pat Hayes – mission trips to Puerto Rico, Mexico, and many countries in Africa, etc.

Keith & Margie Nix – mission trips to Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad, etc.

Mike & Elizabeth Shreve – mission trips to India, Liberia, Barbados, etc. http://www.shreveministries.org
Reed & Erica Uberman – mission trip to Guatemala and a new church plant in Cincinatti, Ohio.